A Canadian permanent resident who is over 18 can get Canada permanent residency for his/her spouse, partner or dependent child if:
- You’re at least 18 years old
- You’re a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act
- If you’re a Canadian citizen living outside Canada, you must show that you plan to live in Canada when the persons you want to sponsor become permanent residents.
- You can’t sponsor someone if you’re a permanent resident living outside Canada.
- You’re able to prove that you’re not receiving social assistance for reasons other than a disability
- You can provide for the basic needs of any persons you want to sponsor
Minimum Income to Sponsor Spouse in Canada
One of the first things that people fully comprehend after emigration is the difficulty of living without a family; therefore, one may consider obtaining a sponsorship visa. Undergoing lots of hardships for a new life, immigrants have to bear too many emotional problems while they cannot be in touch with family. This single reason explains the need for spouse sponsorship in Canada 2024, but before commencing this process, we should be familiar with the rules for a spouse visa in Canada 2024. Apart from these rules, there are several conditions that you must meet before applying for a sponsorship visa in Canada.
This process may seem confusing to some extent, but no need to get edgy. Whether you are thinking about applying for Spouse Sponsorship Canada 2024, or you have already applied for it, this article will come in handy for you. We will let you of the latest rules for spouse visas in Canada 2024.
What is Spouse Sponsorship of Canada; A History of Immigration in Canada
Canada is known for its long history of immigration, in a way that nowadays non-natives create one-fifth of its population.
We all know that Canada, not long ago, was part of the British empire and before that, it was a battlefield between the French and British empires. After long wars and territories passing from one side to another, different groups could reach relative peace. Consequently, indigenous people alongside the British and French made up the population of Canada, meaning that it has historically been a host of diversity. Different types of visas including sponsorship have roots in the rules that have regulated the interior affairs of Canada.
Owing to this long history of immigration, we know that Canada is a country in which immigrants will have an easier time adapting to changes. In addition, this background and culture, alongside the ever-increasing economic need of Canada have resulted in such a visa policy.
Being aware of such a background, we know that the Canadian government will support the immigration of people who will adapt easier than the others. Analyzing the rules for a spouse visa in Canada 2024 will show us that the Canadian government makes sure that new immigrants will have a decent life thanks to the aid of their relatives.
In other words, the Canadian government takes reassuring measures that immigrants will not threaten the economic and social benefits of Canada in the first place. Having done that, those immigrants who meet the requirements (coming in the following sections) will receive sponsorship visas.
Eligibility for Spouse Sponsorship Canada 2024
You need to meet some conditions to be eligible for requesting a Canada sponsorship visa. Manifestly, you should live in Canada, and this will be done by any means, no matter whether you are a citizen or a resident. No doubt that you must be of legal age, as there are too might be too many responsibilities to accept. Do not forget that applying for a sponsorship visa means that you are responsible for the principal applicant’s dependent children as well.
Since Canada, following its population policy, allows more and more people to enter Canada, there is a good chance that you can apply for a sponsorship visa in Canada.
Rules for Spouse Visa in Canada 2024
You have to consider the rules for a spouse visa in Canada 2024 before applying for a sponsorship visa, as there are some conditions that your relative has to meet. Your spouse, just like your children or partner, is considered your immediate family and will receive a sponsorship visa if you have:
✓Not recently become a permanent resident of Canada through a sponsorship visa yourself.
✓At least 18 years old and the Canadian citizenship or you are a permanent resident of Canada.
✓The ability to sponsor your spouse financially as long as the visa extends.
You cannot sponsor other people such as your extended family as easily as your spouse and children. The government of Canada will grant this type of sponsorship visa under exceptional circumstances.
To gain full information on the rules for spouse visas in Canada 2024, you can visit the website of the government of Canada.
Minimum Income to Sponsor Spouse in Canada
This is the part of the process that may be confusing and demanding to some extent. Undoubtedly the first requirement that you will come across is being financially independent and strong enough to support other people. The financial support includes accommodating your relatives until they can become independent.
Do not forget that Canada is not a particularly cheap country to live in. This signifies that as incomes are higher than other countries, the costs are also higher and to acquire a sponsorship visa you must overcome these expenses.
In contrast to various sponsorship initiatives, spousal sponsorship does not necessitate a minimum income threshold. Nevertheless, since you must commit to an undertaking agreement, pledging to meet your partner's basic financial requirements, immigration authorities may evaluate your financial capacity to sponsor. Therefore, it's advisable to furnish evidence demonstrating your ability to support your spouse, conjugal partner, or common-law partner upon their arrival in Canada. If you are already responsible for some of your family members this financial ability should increase. For instance, a family of four has to earn at least $48,167 yearly to be able to support another person. Filling out the Financial Evaluation form, you can also add all the indirect incomes you may have such as pensions. If you are not to receive a sponsorship visa for your spouse and you have a partner in Canada, they could fill out the form as a co-signer. Filling out the form as a co-signer is very helpful as it will help you overcome the limits way easier.
None of these amounts of money apply to residents of Quebec, as it follows different sets of rules. For more detailed information and to determine if you have the financial ability to support the people you are planning to sponsor and their family members visit the website of the government of Canada.
Is Hiring Lawyers Necessary for Sponsorship Visa?
Reading and analyzing the rules for spouse visas in Canada 2024, we realize that these rules can turn out to be perplexing at first glance. The reason is that there are too many factors that one has to consider before taking any action. Reviewing rules and trying to simplify the case using examples, you will see that the sponsorship visa in Canada is not as confusing as it seemed. Most of the cases concerning sponsorship visas in Canada are undemanding and one can apply for spouse sponsorship in Canada 2024 without legal advice. Apart from that, it may not be easy to afford the expenses of legal advice. Do not forget that going through this process requires paying the fee and at the next level, you will have to deal with sponsorship expenses. All the same, if your case involves uncertain data or there are doubts over your or your relatives’ past, legal advice can come in handy. In this case, you will have to select a lawyer who is approved by the Canadian government to fully comprehend the rules for a spouse visa in Canada in 2024.